Thursday, December 6, 2007


Surprisingly, not related to de huevos. The literal and boring meaning is fish eggs. It is used in three equally important forms: hueva (noun), huevón (adj.) and dar hueva (verb). The three imply that the issue at stake, which could be a person, an action, a situation, a place, etc., is utterly uninteresting and induces a state of slack. It is an informal expression, but most people would tolerate it as long as they share your sentiment.

Make no mistakes, hueva is nothing but unpleasant boredom

Hablar español sin caló es de hueva => Speaking Spanish without slang is damn boring
Britney va a presentarse en el medio tiempo del Super Tazón, ¡qué hueva! => Britney will perform at the Super Bowl half time, what a bore!

When someone is said to be a huevón (lit. a big-egged), it means that the person is a slacker.

Dame un aventón en tu bici, no seas huevón => Give me a ride in your bike, don't be such a slack

Dar hueva means to cause hueva to someone else.

¿Por qué no vino Ramón, el garrotero? --Le dio hueva tu actitud, pendejo => How come Ramon, the busboy, didn't come? --Your attitude slacked him up, you dummy.

When used with the verb tirar, as in tirar la hueva, it means to slack in a most rewarding way.

Descanso de lunes a viernes y tiro la hueva el fin de semana => I don't work from Monday to Friday and slack during the weekends

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