Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Un kilo

A thousand grams, a thousand times.

While in other latitudes a kilo (a key) might have a strong drug trafficking connotation,  D.F. is on the metric system (like most of the  civilized world) which results in diverse and colorful uses of kilo.

¿A cómo el kilo de aguayón torneado?: What's the spot price per kilo for beef.
El mejor luchador kilo por kilo: Best lucha libre wrestler  kilo by kilo.
Échale los kilos: Make a serious effort, get down to it.
Me debes un kilo güey: You owe me a million  pesos güey (a thousand thousands)
Un kilo de verdes: A million US.
Un kilo de verga: complete disregard.
Un kilo ochocientos de verga: complete disregard with a vengeance.


  1. "Kilo por kilo" is a translation of the expression "pound for pound", applied to boxers. For instance, Sugar Ray Robinson was said to be the best boxer pound-for-pound.

    It'd be silly if Spanish speakers said "El Puas Olivares fue el mejor boxeador 454 gramos por 454 gramos".

  2. Que tal la de: un kilo de bacalao sin espinas. It means one liter of Bacardi.
