(EN CheeNgah)
En chinga is a very handy adverb. However, as any other effective piece of Chilango language, its meaning is driven by context, emphasis and body language.
- In a rush, in haste, tremendously fast

- Ana Güevara (world champ) corre en chinga
- Vete en chinga por unas tortas. Command: Go in haste to pick up some tortas (A good torta cubana is really worth the rush).

2. Very busy, overwhelmed with work
- ¡Pobre güey, anda en chinga! Poor guy is swamped!

3. A beating, a hassle
- A tu hermanito lo traen en chinga en la escuela!: Your little brother is being bullied at school! and/or your little brother has a lot of homework.
- Es una chinga lavar los platos: Doing the dishes is a hassle

Can't you also use "chinga" as an expression like the F word or "shit?