Sunday, December 13, 2009


Cotorrear (koh-to-rre-AR) means to behave like a parrot, making loud noises without making much sense. Cotorrear means to chat in a pleasurable and unproductive way. Such action is referred to as cotorreo (noun).

Cotorrear and cotorreo both have secondary meanings. Cotorrear also means to take advantage of someone by lying, and cotorreo also means to like to party.

Example 1:

Papá: Tus tías no se han levantado?
Hijo: Nel. Estuvieron cotorreando hasta las dos de la mañana.

Dad: Are your aunts up?
Son: Nope. They were chatting until 2am.

Example 2:

Padre de Leticia: Le advierto joven que mi hija es muy seria y en esta casa somos muy conservadores.
Rigoberto: Neta? Todo mundo me dijo que a su hija le encanta el cotorreo.

Leticia's dad: I must warn you youngman that my daughter is a serious person and in this household we're very conservative.
Rigoberto: For real? Everybody told me she's always game for some action.
The video below shows a 1980s' song by Kenny y los Eléctricos. The title is "Me quieres cotorrear" or "You want to pull my leg".

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