Our panel of experts loves this expression because of its musicality: billuyo (bee-JOO-jaw). This word is a derivation of billete (bee-JET-teh) which literally means "bill," as in a "one-dollar bill." Billuyo is used to refer both to a sum of money or to the net worth of a person or dynasty.
Example 1:
Poncho: Do you have any green backs on you? Chip in.
Pancho: Truth is I do not.
Example 2:
Melchor: Ssss... culta, refinada y de buen gusto.
Gaspar: Se nota que viene de familia de billuyo.
Baltazar: Nel. Si iba a la secu con nosotros. Le decíamos la foca... por bigotona y resbalosa.
Melchor: Pssss... cultured, refined and with with good taste.
Gaspar: You can tell she comes from money.
Baltazar: Nope. She went to our junior high. We nick-named her the seal... because she had whisk and was slippery.
A fake billete with the image of the controversial politician Andres Manuel López Obrador.