Monday, December 31, 2007


Clavar (cla-VAR, lit. to nail) means to have sexual intercourse. When used in the reflexive form, clavarse (lit. to dive), it means to be infatuated or deeply in love. A person in such state is said to be clavado (lit. 1. nailed, 2. a dive). Clavarse also means to be absorbed by something: work, a topic, a hobby, a cult, etc. In this case it is usually part of the expression clavarse en la textura (lit. to delve into the texture). Rufus (in the picture) already nailed down the different meanings of clavar--good boy!

Note: when clavado does not refer to a dive it can be substituted by clavel (clah-VELL, lit. carnation), in plural or singular.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Despite the fact that Mexicans like these excessively colorful paper artifacts filled with candy, the word piñata (pee-GNA-tah) is used deprecatorily to refer to something that does not meet a standard. You will find it in the form estar piñata.

The term was probably coined based on the poor quality representation made with piñatas of different pop icons, as illustrated below--one can easily tell the real deal from the piñata version.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Camote (Cah-MAW-teh) is the Mexican term for sweet potato. There are three expressions that involve the use of camote. (1) In reference to a woman, the expression traer camote or estar con su camote means that such female is accompanied by her sweetheart, fiance, husband, lover or a random male sexual partner. (2) When referring to a gathering, the expression hay puro camote means that the ratio of females to males is very low. It is usually meant as a bitter complaint. (3) The expression tragar camote means to be wandering.
Camote is a colorful and solid word. Though it is not written on stone, if you want to alternate its use, in the first case camote can be substituted by chilorio (a tasty dish from Sinaloa, México), in the second by tornillo (lit. screw) and in the third by reata (lit. rope).

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Aguantar (vara, un piano, ...)

When used alone, aguantar (ah-ONE-tahr, lit. to resist, to put up with) means to wait patiently.

When used with the word vara (VA-da, lit. thin stick) in aguantar vara, it is a reference to the days of irresponsible parenting and repressive education, when infants were spanked with sticks. Aguantar vara means to endure or tough out a difficult or painful situation (just like little children used to endure the spanking before psychologists figured out its long term consequences and banned it).

When someone is discussing certain attributes, aguantar un piano (lit. to support a piano)—or any other heavy object—means to excel in terms of those attributes. When it is used without any context to refer to people, it almost surely is a positive allusion to physical beauty.

Después de aguantar vara más tres años, finalmente renuncié => After more than three years of puting up with their shizzle I finally quit my job
Las vecinas del depa de arriba aguantan un piano (cada una) => The neighbors in the flat upstairs are really hot (all of them)
Aguántame una semana y te pago todo lo que te debo => Give me one week and I’ll pay back all I owe you

Aguantar vara can be seen as a sign of endurance or stupidity

Saturday, December 22, 2007


A pancho (PAN-chaw, lit. one of many ways to call someone named Francisco) is an exaggerated reaction of disapproval to something someone has (or hasn't) done. It is mostly used in the the form armar or hacer un pancho (lit. assemble, make a frank), which means to make a big and rather often unnecessary deal. A person who indulges him or herself making panchos left and right is referred to as panchera. It is a solid word. Though colloquial, it is not considered offensive. Use it in expressions like:

Me armó un panchote porque me cachó con su tía => She made a big deal because she caught me with her aunt

Mi jefes eran muy pancheros conmigo, pero se le bajó en cuanto me entambaron => My folks used to make a big deal out of everything I did, but they chilled out as soon as I was locked up

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cagar & cagarla

Cagar (lit. to defecate) is used in two forms, cagar and cagarla, both equally rich in substance. Cagar (also cagotear) means to reprehend someone, usually in a nasty way, for some alleged wrongdoing. Cagarla (also zurrarla, defecarla) means to make a big mistake. Do not mix up these two terms—the consequences can be as embarrassing for yourself as humorous for your audience. Use your common sense and let the context guide you.

In the shoe-shine stand:

Shoe-shiner—En la URSS los maestros se la pasan cagando a los niños desde que van al kinder.
Patron—¡No la cagues! La Unión Sovietica ya no existe.

Obviously, the shoe-shiner hasn't being paying attention to the news since the late eighties.

In the operating room:

Dr. Granados—La cagué muy feo.
Dr. Fonseca—Hasta los médicos más reata la cagan en cirugías tan complicadas.
Dr. Granados—No. Cagué muy feo a la enfermera. Le dije que era una pinche ignorante.

Needless to say, Dr. Granados doesn't think very highly of the nurse, though he would prefer to keep his opinion to himself.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Carnal (cahr-NAHL, lit. carnal) means brother by blood. If one guy calls another broder (the mexicanized version of "brother") the speaker implies he feels a brother-like bond with that person. Carnal is the superlative of broder. You can have a lot of broders but only a few carnales. Use it when you mean it, for saying it in a casual fashion will make you sound like a boot-licking moron.

Cautionary note: Unfortunately, there is no comparable term to refer to such a tight bond between siblings of different sex or between sisters.

One of the most famous duos in old Mexican movies are Tin Tán and his carnal Marcelo, depicted below.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Pelársela is a sharp and highly inappropriate expression, typically employed in one of two forms: pelársela a alguien (lit. to peel it to someone) and just pelársela (to peel it to oneself). The word comes from the action of pulling back the prepuce when an uncircumcised male is about to urinate (circumcised males do not possess a prepuce anymore). It's an allegory. If you can make someone do that for you it means that you are the unchallenged "boss" to that person. In the second form, the reflexive mode "me la pelé", it means that you recognize you are a loser, either because you let go a great opportunity, because you didn't meet some standard or beacuse of sheer bad luck. Its phallic reference is nowadays an etymological curiosity only.

Nadal se la volvió a pelar a Federer en el Abierto de los Estados Unidos => Federer showed Nadal who's the boss once more in the U.S. Open
Me la pelé con las vacaciones de diciembre => I won't have a Christmas break, I'm such a loser

A popular way to express to someone that you think you're better is telling him or her "tú, a mí, me la pelas". If at the same time you move up and down your right or left hand (both only if you already master the one hand version) as if you were about to roll the dice in a board game, the effect is exponenciated. Any Mexican will get your point right away and probably won't let you walk away without proving it. Beware.

Friday, December 14, 2007


(lit. from Mexico City) Calling someone from Mexico City chilango or chilanga is as offensive as calling someone from New York City newyorker. There is no other word to be used in lieu. Chilango is not an insult, though being one is regarded as a moral handicap by some provincial Mexicans, who typically haven't spent in the city longer than what it takes to be mugged twice. A literary portrait of chilango-ness was painted by Jaime López in his poem "Chilanga banda", later musicalized by Café Tacvba.

Some chilangos love hanging out in Chapultepec park


[Cautionary note] While in Spain polla (pohja, lit. female chick) is the equivalent of verga (see the entry "V" word), in Mexico City polla is a drink served in the morning at dodgy street stands (along with jugos and licuados). It's made with jerez (sherry), milk and two egg yolks. Though no unambiguous medical evidence has been brought to public light, this drink is claimed to be a remedy for mild to miserable hangovers. Avoid the word polla when swearing, or people will think you're some sort of speech-challenged gachupín (Spaniard).

Thursday, December 13, 2007



orig. buey (lit. ox)

It is commonplace that once castrated, a bull not only looses its sex-drive but also displays diminished speed, reflex, drive and is good for nothing but pulling a plow. Güey usually denotes stupidity, sleepiness, lack of edge, skill or stamina.

An alternative or complementary interpretation, suggests the cuckold status of the recipient. You have simultaneously grown horns and are two slow to realize it.

However its origin and significance, güey has now a meaningless and more widespread use as a term of endearment between buddies.

Originally vulgar and reserved to male bonding, güey has acquired a more universal an unisex use in urban settings where, still a bad word, it is regarded as an amusing misdemeanor.

  1. Estas re güey: You're missing the point
  2. Qué onda güey: How's it hanging
  3. Pásale güey: Go ahead moron
  4. Me caes de güevos güey: You're awesome dude
  5. Ni madres güey: Not at all
  6. Ni de pedo güey: No way
  7. Siiii güey: No I don't buy it
  8. Noooo güey: Isn't it obvious
  9. Ay güey: Coming to realize the gravity and/or imminent proximity of an occurrence
  10. No güey: No güey
  11. Sí güey: Yes güey
  12. Ese güey: Him
  13. Su güey: Her boyfriend
  14. Otro güey: Someone else

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Pedo is one of those words that are the nightmare of enthusiasts learning Spanish. Its meaning is completely context dependent. An effective swearer must be able to distinguish the different meanings of pedo in a phrase like:

¿Qué pedo con mi suegra? Hizo un pedote porque, ya pedo, se me escapó un pedito.

  1. A pedo is a fart, and pedorrearse or tirarse un pedo means to fart.
  2. Ponerse pedo or empedar means to get drunk, and estar pedo means to be drunk. A peda is a booze-centered party.
  3. Pedo is also a problem, a difficulty, hacerla de pedo means to make a big deal or to confront someone, and ser pedero means to be a trouble maker or annoyingly demanding.
  4. The meaning of the expression ¡¿qué pedo!? depends on the tone of the speaker. Nice: what's up! Suprised: are you fucking kidding me?! Angry: what is your fucking problem?! Cracking up laughing: unbelievable!
  5. ¿Qué pedo con ...? means "what's the deal with... ?"
  6. Ya ni pedo, means "there is nothing we can do about it".

Now we can revisit the sentence above to reveal its meaning:

What's the deal with my mother-in-law? She made a big deal because, when I was already drunk, I let a little fart out.

Etiquette: pedo is an informal word. Use it.


[This is a clarification entry] Contrary to a widespread belief, gringo (green-gaw) is not a derogatory term. It is the shortest way to refer to a person from the U.S. who doesn't look Mexican (Mexican looking Americans are called pocho, chicano, paisa, etc.) The only formal alternative is the word estadounidense, whose length makes evident the benefit of sticking to gringo. Other less formal options are gabacho (seemingly imported from Spain) and some variations like gabardo. Most Mexicans cannot tell if a blond, overfed, weed-abusing, non-Spanish speaking tourist who smells like cheap tequila and is spending the Spring break in Cancun is from the U.S. or from any other country. Therefore rather often gringo-ness is assumed. American or not, don't take offense if you're called gringo or gringa.


lit. A cook's sidekick

At the top of the most used (if not abused) handy-words in colloquial Spanish, pinche is an all-purpose derogatory adjective denoting the poor quality of things or people who simply don't make the cut. 

By leisurely placing it before a noun, effective use of pinche  is synonymous of no regard for the insignificant nothingness of possessions or attributes of someone or something. Pinche can also be effectively deployed to assert utter ugliness, discomfort or amplified sadness, boredom and other vexing situations. 

  1. Cuelga ese pinche teléfono: Hang up that damn phone
  2. No tengo un pinche baro: I don't have a motherfucking dime
  3. Pinche Pablo, esta re pinche tu coche: Fucking Pablo, your car is fucking ugly
  4. Eres un pinche pendejo: You are not any pendejo, but a laughable one.
  5. Senti super pinche cuando me despidieron por culpa de ese pinche mamón: I felt like crap when they fired me because of that fucking snob.
Etiquette: Avoid using it as a stand alone insult.  It is safe to place it before any noun whenever in a situation of despair, familiarity, drunkenness, or whenever you feel like showing your disregard for something.


A transa (tran-sah) is a scam, a swindle. It is also used as a verb, transar, meaning "to scam", and as a noun, if someone is said to be un transa that person is a crook.

Hay dos clases de políticos los transas y los mega transas => There are two types of politicians, the crooks and the super crooks
Me transaron mis suegros, ¡nada de dote! => My in-laws scammed me, no dowry whatsoever!

In a tough environment, one's ability to scam others is not seldom a sign of industriousness, as illustrated by the saying "el que no transa, no avanza" (lit. one doesn't prosper without swindling).

Probably the expectation of most people being involved in some sort of scam gave rise to the expression ¡¿qué transa?! (lit. what's the scam?!), which means "what's up!", and its further transfiguration into ¡¿qué transita por tus venas?!* (lit. what flows through your veins?!), which retains the exact same meaning and is an exceptionally colorful greeting. This expression does not imply the greeted person is dishonest.

Mercados are the best place to be subject of petty transas.

One of the most infamous transas in amateur sports in recent times involved one of the allegedly most transa politicians in Mexico.

Beware! If you think you're getting a free lunch in D.F., you're most likely the subject of a transa.

*Notice that transa is switched for transita (lit. little scam, also to transit) because they share the same phonetic root and are otherwise unrelated.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


A mentada de madre (lit. mention of one's mother), or just mentada, is possibly the top insult in Mexico. It's usually expressed as ¡chinga tu madre! or ¡vas y chingas a tu madre! It means "fuck your mother" but can be interpreted as "go fuck yourself" too. A sole mentada is enough to get you in a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, the rush of modern life gives us less time than we would like to have to use all the palette of swearing. Hence people, especially motorists and bike-riders, have popularized a shorter, single-noted musicalized version of chinga tu madre: the whistle- or horn-mentada. Few words or sounds have the strength of a well deserved horn-mentada on a reckless driver.

Listen to it, feel it and learn it by heart. Timing is the key element. Nothing can be more embarrasing on the streets of Mexico City than an arythmic mentada.

For the cases in which a mentada cannot or must not be heard, there is a silent option. All that is needed is to flex the forearm up, from a horizontal to a vertical position forming an L (as an arm curl). It is the weakest version and is often used when insulting someone (typically a classmate or a coworker) across the room without the rest noticing. Whenever possible go for a deep, loud ¡chinga tu madre! instead.


Chale (Chah-leh) is an expression that denotes disappointment, melancholy, sorrow or regret. It can stand alone, or precede or follow the cause of such feeling. Chale is not offensive but most certainly revealing of the chilango-ness of the speaker. Different speakers stress different syllables (as in the video below). Both forms are equally acceptable, as long as they are truly heartfelt.

You might hear oldschool folks using the expression charros (the Mexican cowboys from whom mariachi bands stole their look). It is in essence equivalent to chale. Unless you're a fan of vintage expressions, stick to chale.


Cæ vrohn

lit. Male goat 

Effective use of cabrón starts with a correct pronounciation. Cabrón does not rhyme with own, but rather with an emphatic ON. Kah br ON. Also avoid at all cost rolling your r´s.

Now, cabrón will provide you a precise meaning in a wide variety of situations. All of them rooted in the primitive notion of a dominant (alpha) male goat, undisputedly el "más cabrón" of the heard. 

  1. Ese güey está cabrón: That dude has some skill
  2. El güey está cabronsísimo: He is unchallenged
  3. Ese güey es un cabrón con su esposa: He is abusive with his wife
  4. Ese cabrón está re güey: That dude is retarded
  5. El concierto va a estar cabronsísimo: The concert is going to be awesome
  6. ¿Quieres ir al concierto? cabrón!: Wanna go to the concert? you bet (like a mother)!
  7. Chinga tu madre cabrón: Fuck your mother, fucker!
  8. El examen estuvo cabrón: The exam was very difficult
  9. No seas cabrón!: Really? (if used by a heartbroken princess could mean: do not leave me)
  10. Qué pedo cabrón: Wanna fight?
Etiquette: Reserved for guy-talk, or in strict confidence with women. However, a socially accepted for is the insinuation of the word used at the end of every fucking sentence while with your buddies. "oye c'on (Kah(n)), yo creo que va a estar cabronsísimo el concierto c'on" ("hey dude, I bet´ya the concert is gonna freaking rock dude")  Si c'on (no doubt dude).


No matter what you do, cabrón should not be used on a stand alone basis to get back at someone, that is, using it like an insult on its own. Doing so will not make you look tough. On the opposite, you will look like a stupid newcomer gringo who has seen too many Cheech & Chon films, thus incapable of standing his ground. Or worse, like an old lady at the market who has been holding back on swearing for a decade an loses it when she thinks the butcher is cheating on the scale or on his wife. 


Culero (kool-aeroh) means "of the ass", probably a literary allusion to how close a person or her behavior is to fecal matter. It is a proper insult. It has a weaker version, culei, which is rarely offensive. Culero is particularly handy in two contexts: sports events and concerts. When soccer fans don't agree with a particular call of the nazareno (the referee), they chant culero, culero. The same happens when the audience in a concert requests an encore. In both cases the chant works better when accompanied with whistled mentadas.

When chanted, the phonems cu- and -ro have a duration of one forth of a time, if not an eighth. The duration of the phonem -le- depends on the level of anxiety of the crowd (never shorter than one time). The longer the -le-, the more emphatic the message.

Fans disagreeing with the referee's call

Padre vs Padrote

In contrast with mothers, references to fathers in D.F.'s slang are for practical purposes nonexistent. There are two expressions that are related to father but only etimologically: padre and padrote.

When something is said to be padre (lit. father) it means that it is cool or nice. It is also used in the expression ¡qué padre! It is rather a childish word and must be avoided by any respectable effective swearer.

When something is said to be padrote (lit. big father) it means that is pimp-like, and therefore extremely trendy and appealing. When a guy is said to be padrote, it means that such person concentrates enough power and style to get, often in the speakers imagination only, as many women as he wants.

Note: in some circles (which I would never be part of) padre is substituted by cura (lit. priest). Using it would make you look like an absent-minded gringo who learned Spanish in Monterrey. If you want to bring people's attention to something very fine, stick to padrote. It's a solid word.

Friday, December 7, 2007


The devotion of Mexicans for their mothers is legendary. That appreciation shows in a colorful yet controversial variety of expressions that range from the worst to the best. The word itself does not mean a thing, it just serves as a vehicle to deliver a positive or negative connotation.

  1. ¡Ni madre(s)! (Not even mothers), Hell no!
  2. Me vale madre(s) (It is worth a mother), I don't give a damn
  3. ¡Madres! (Mothers!), Crap!
  4. A toda madre (At full mother), Awesome (oldshool)
  5. De poca madre (Of little mother), Awesome
  6. ¡Qué poca madre! (How little mother!), Bastard!

When used as a verb, madrear, it means to succesfully engage in physical violence against other(s). It's a shortened version of romper la madre, which literally means "to break (someone's) mother".

Si vuelves a salir con mi madre, te madreo => If you go out with my mother again, I kick your ass

As a noun it has two forms. The first is madriza, which is a beat-up.

Le pusimos una madriza a los granaderos en la manifestacion de ayer => We beat the crap out the riot police at yesterday's demonstration

The second is madrazo, which means punch, hit, crash.

¡Qué madrazo me puso mi sobrinito en las partes nobles! => What a punch my little nephew gave me in the family jewells

Vimos un madrazo espectacular en la autopista => We saw a spectacular crash in the tollway

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The "V" word

Probably no other "curse word" deserves more careful explanation on its proper use in Mexico at risk of really getting a newcomer in to serious trouble best characterized by room-wide silent awkwardness. 

In short, this word is not a toy, this word is...

la "verga

lah pherrga

baby-maker, bell on a pole, bishop, bratwurst, cock, custard launcher, dick, dickie, ding dong mcdork, dong, donger, dork, dragon, fang, ferret, fire hose, heat-seeking moisture missile, hose, Jimmy, John, John Thomas (dated), joystick, knob, leaky hose, lingam, little Bob, little Elvis, longfellow, love muscle, manhood, meat popsicle, member, middle stump, mushroom head, mutton, old boy, old fellow, old man, one-eyed snake, one-eyed trouser-snake (Australia, UK), one-eyed monster, pecker, peepee (children's term), Percy, peter, piss weasle, prick, private part, purple-helmeted warrior of love, purple-headed yogurt flinger, rod, roundhead, sausage, schlong, schmuck, shmuck (Yiddish), schwanz, schwarz, short arm, skin flute, tassle, third leg, thumper, todger (Australia, UK), tonk, tool, trouser snake, tubesteak, wang, wang dudle, wick, willy (children's term), yingyang, yogurt gun, 

As it is usual in mexican slang, the meaning of "verga" is equivocal as it is contextually driven. It could mean either superlative or unspeakable. In either end, the use of this word always upholds its totemic connotation hinting a juggernaut regardless of its direction. As shown in the next example, the difference between be and to be is not negligible.

  1. Ese güey es una verga: That dude is an ace.
  2. Ese güey está de la verga: That dude sucks (utterly in a very unpleasant fashion. i.e. superlative unspeakability or incomptence)
  3. Me lleva la verga: I'm fucked, or pissed to the extreme
  4. Me vale verga: I could give a shit
  5. Mamando verga: be absent minded (smoking pole)
  6. Pasado de verga: abusive
  7. A pan y verga: Surviving on bread and johnson. (i.e. under harsh or taxing conditions, specially if you run out of bread).
It can also convey utter surprise or disbelief
8.  Verga: Fuck!
9. Verga el putazo: What a crash (as in a car crash)
10. La veeerga!: expression of disbelief.
11. Pura verga: Bullshit!


This word is reserved almost exclusively for guy talk within close ties. Few women, specially older relatives would not react with disgust when exposed to any of its many colorful uses. 


Surprisingly, not related to de huevos. The literal and boring meaning is fish eggs. It is used in three equally important forms: hueva (noun), huevón (adj.) and dar hueva (verb). The three imply that the issue at stake, which could be a person, an action, a situation, a place, etc., is utterly uninteresting and induces a state of slack. It is an informal expression, but most people would tolerate it as long as they share your sentiment.

Make no mistakes, hueva is nothing but unpleasant boredom

Hablar español sin caló es de hueva => Speaking Spanish without slang is damn boring
Britney va a presentarse en el medio tiempo del Super Tazón, ¡qué hueva! => Britney will perform at the Super Bowl half time, what a bore!

When someone is said to be a huevón (lit. a big-egged), it means that the person is a slacker.

Dame un aventón en tu bici, no seas huevón => Give me a ride in your bike, don't be such a slack

Dar hueva means to cause hueva to someone else.

¿Por qué no vino Ramón, el garrotero? --Le dio hueva tu actitud, pendejo => How come Ramon, the busboy, didn't come? --Your attitude slacked him up, you dummy.

When used with the verb tirar, as in tirar la hueva, it means to slack in a most rewarding way.

Descanso de lunes a viernes y tiro la hueva el fin de semana => I don't work from Monday to Friday and slack during the weekends

On the proper use of "güevos"


lit. Eggs (huevos)

Implication that one should go fuck one's self or one's mother.

In an urban setting, the use of this rich expression is highly offensive and should only be deployed spontaneously as a genuinely and heartfelt response to a direct urban offense, such as: un-granted honking, aggresive lane-cutting, vulgar remarks of sexual nature to one's female companion, etc.

Could be used semiotically, phonetically or combined. 


Notice the palm facing to the front as fingers crouch with pinky bent all the way back. Native users of güevos display a hardwired reflex that prompts one's hand to adopt the position and describe a violent forward motion (starting around the solar plexus area (where every genuinely heartfelt emotion stems from) and going outwards). Arguably, crouching fingers are a refinement of an original hand posture where the middle finger is tense upward sided by two bent fingers (eggs) portraying a man's aroused genitalia. 

A proper use of güevos usually involves an epithet describing the character of the recipient. Usual endings are "puto", "cabrón", "pendejo" or in combos: "pinche puto", "pinche pendejo" and so on.

(Following video is only illustrative since a genuine portrait can only happen impromptu)

De huevos

The expression de huevos has two main uses. When it is preceded by the verb ser o estar it works like "fucking awesome". The "fucking" is added to make clear that the expression is not appropriate for a gathering with old school folks (e.g. my parents). It's rather informal.

Tu camisa del Zacatepec está de huevos => Your Zacatepec (a soccer team) jersey is fucking awesome
El cadenero del "Balalaika" es de huevos => The bouncer at "Balalaika" is fucking awesome
Me fue de huevos en Chacagua => My time in Chacagua (a lagoon in Mexico) was fucking awesome

When used with any action it means such action was taken "bluntly, impolitely" or also "without giving any valid reason". It's informal.

El patrón me cachó con la dependienta y me despidió, así, de huevos => The boss caught me with the clerk and he fired me, bluntly and impolitely
El Señor López se proclamó Presidente, de huevos => Mr. López claimed to be President without giving any valid reason

Note: there are other uses of huevo(s) not addressed in this entry.

Let's get started

Estimados amigos,

espero que ustedes y también quienes ustedes consideren (im)prudente invitar, puedan escribir unas líneas en este blog, cada dos o tres días, por una buena causa: ayudar a quienes están adoptando el español como segunda lengua a mentar madres, piropear, alburear, y en general expresar sus emociones apropiadamente en el la Ciudad de México y donde quiera que haya chilangos.

Los únicos requisitos son: (1) comenzar con una entrada que denote la expresión o el concepto que se analiza, (2) el significado y la descripción de su uso tiene que estar en inglés y los ejemplos en español, (3) si se hacen referencias a otros documentos (filmes, libros, revistas, programas de TV, etc.) incluir referencias lo más completas que sea posible, (4) los derechos de autor serán cedidos para la posible edición de un manual de Effective swearing in Mexico City / A Manual of Communication for English Speakers visiting D.F.

Cuando estén cansados de un arduo día de trabajo, piensen en cómo le expicarían a un gabacho la manera mas efectiva de hacer patente su estado anímico en español de la la Ciudad de México, y pónganlo por escrito. Fácil y rápido.

Pablo A.